What's happening at RXtreme?

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Come see what we have on offer...

A supplier of good quality Functional Fitness gym equipment.

Why the name RXtreme?

The meaning behind the name… 2 parts really… “RX” derived from the medical field meaning “as prescribed”. And, as you may know, most often associated within the CrossFit world with its crazy and intense workouts we all have grown to LOVE!

The “word” Xtreme…. excitement; thrilling; intense; EXTREME; …. And this is exactly how it all started.
RXtreme was born! 😊

Our equipment and products we supply are the prescribed (RX), must haves in your wheelhouse of equipment, coupled with excellent quality one would expect, with the best prices and friendly service.
RXtreme caters for the avid fitness guru, to the train at home mom and dad, and of course mini me included…

Based in the heart of Northriding Randburg.


Our wide range of gym equipment and accessories

What our clients say

See what some of our happy clients have to say...
Denica Bennet

Denica Bennet

Teacher & Fitness Trainer

"R Xtreme is my first any only stop for all my equipment, not just because the service is amazing but because you can't beat their prices and quality, I have never had to return anything, I've never had an issue with the products, hands down the best in the business. As a sports coach, a crossfiter and fitness trainer, I absolutely love having R Xtreme as a supplier."



Gym Owner - MJ Stuff (+27 82 533 2298)

"After careful research on companies who could supply me with gym equipment I found RX Extreme!
Absolutely stellar service from Roger who answered every one of my what’s apps and helped me build my CrossFit gym from the ground up with great affordable prices and good quality equipment.
Delivery service was great! they phoned before delivering and helped me with the big equipment.
I can’t imagine me going anywhere else for great prices, good quality equipment and exceptional customer services."

Craig Bayley

Craig Bayley

CrossFit Level 2 Coach

"Roger has supplied various pieces of equipment to me over the last five years or so. His service has always been prompt and his prices good. He is always eager to help. Roger loves training and is passionate about assisting others in their fitness journey by providing strong equipment at affordable prices."

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

* STRICTLY By appointment ONLY 142 Blandford Road, Northriding, Johannesburg

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